Presentations & Seminars


Presentations, Webinars, and Courses

“Fellows Forum: Promoting Enterprise Collaboration,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Washington D.C., October 2015.

“How to Develop a Litigation Readiness Plan,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Half-day Workshop, San Diego, October 2014.

“Information Governance: Teaming for Change Workshop,” ARMA International Atlanta Chapter, Atlanta, September 2014.

“Information Governance Comes of Age: Take Control of Your Data,” AIIM International Webinar, January 2014.

“Everything You Don’t Know About e-Discovery – Handling, Social Media, E-Mail, Video, and other ESI,” National Business Institute, October 30, 2013, Nashville, TN

“Information Governance is Just Good Business,” AIIM International Webinar, April 2013.

“Litigation Readiness and Information Governance,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Chicago, September 2012.

“Cyber Security and RIM,” Connecticut Chapter Of ARMA International, Hartford, Connecticut, November 2011.

“Mergers and Acquisitions E-Records Management and Planning,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Washington DC, October 2011.

“Play to Win in C-Level Presentations,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Washington DC, October 2011.

“Social Media Issues, Policy, and the Law,” International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Nashville, TN, May 2011.

“Microfilm – Why It’s Still a Good Practice,” International Institute of Municipal Clerks, Nashville, TN, May 2011.

“RIM Fundamentals for Building Program Excellence,” ARMA International Webinar, April 2011.

“Taking Advantage of Capture in 2011 – A Fresh Look at Managing Documents and Records,” AIIM International Webinar, December 2010.

 “Archives and Records Management,” Full Semester Graduate Level Online Course, School for Information Sciences, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, Tennessee, Fall 2008 and Fall 2009.

“Integrating Physical and Electronic Records Software Systems,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Orlando, Florida, October 16, 2009.

“Physical and Electronic Records Software Selection,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 21, 2008.

“Managing and Protecting Records In Today’s Workplace,” Fall Records Management Conference for State of Tennessee, Nashville, Tennessee, October 14, 2008.

“Electronic Records Archives Support Digital Preservation,” NAGARA Annual Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, July 25, 2008.

“Computer and IT Skills for Records Managers,” San Diego Chapter of ARMA International, San Diego, California, March 19, 2008.

“Planning ERM System Training for Users, RIM, and IT,” Cleveland Chapter of ARMA International, Cleveland, Ohio, January 8, 2008.

“ECM Strategies for Executives’, World Bank, Washington DC, Half Day Workshop, November 7, 2007.

“Electronic Records Archives Support Digital Preservation” ARMA International Annual Conference, Baltimore, October 8, 2007.

“Planning ERM System Training for Users, RIM, and IT,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Baltimore, October 7, 2007.

“Computer Skills for Records Managers – The Missing Link,” ARMA International Annual Conference, Baltimore, One Day Seminar, October 6, 2007.

“Where Does ERM Fit Organizationally in the Digital Age?” Managing Electronic Records Conference, Chicago, May 22, 2007

“Computer Skills for Records Managers”, World Bank, Washington DC, February 21-22, 2007.

“Records and Information Management”, East Tennessee State University Course MEDA 5750 Fall 2006, Johnson City TN. Class conducted by Internet access.

“Electronic and Physical Records Software Technology Selection”, ARMA International Annual Conference, San Antonio, October 23, 2006.

“Intake of Inherited Materials – Tracking Technologies,” Association of Legal Administrators, 35th Annual Educational Conference and Exposition, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, May 1, 2006.

“Managing Electronic Records – What’s Hot and What’s Not”, Dallas Chapter of ARMA International, Dallas, April 11, 2006.

“Selecting Software to Manage Electronic Records – WEBINAR”, ARMA International, March 28, 2006.

“Technologies for Records Managers”, Chicago Chapter of ARMA International, Chicago, March 14, 2006.

“How to Implement an ERM Project from Start to Finish”, Twin Cities Chapter of ARMA International, Minneapolis, February 14, 2006.

“Computer Skills for Records Managers”, Southwestern Ontario Chapter of ARMA International, Ontario Canada, October 26, 2005.

“Selecting Software Technology For ERM and ECM”, ARMA International Annual Conference, Chicago, September 19, 2005

.“Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures, and Closures Checklist”, ARMA International Annual Conference, Chicago, September 20, 2005.

“IT-RM Teams for Effective ERM Implementation”, AIIM International Webinar, July 13, 2005.

“Computer and IT Skills for Records Managers”, Orange County and Greater Los Angeles Chapters of ARMA International, Los Angeles, June 17, 2005.

“The “Missing Link” – Critical Technology Concepts for Records Managers”, Managing Electronic Records Conference, Chicago, May 22, 2005

“Effective ERM Software Implementation”, AIIM International Annual Conference, Philadelphia, May 19, 2005.

“Electronic Records Challenges and Solutions”, Central Iowa Chapter of ARMA International, Des Moines, May 17, 2005.

“Electronic Recordkeeping Software Technologies and Systems”, AIIM International, March 8, New York, 2004.

“Computer Skills and Concepts For E-Records Inventories”, Managing Electronic Records Conference, Chicago, May 23, 2004.

“e-Records Software Selection Guidelines”, ARMA International, Long Beach, October 3, 2004.

“Comparing Leading RIM and e-RIM Software”, ARMA International, Boston, MA, October 19, 2003.

“Document Retention Post-Enron,” Lorman Educational Services, Knoxville, TN, August 20, 2003, One Day Seminar with Baker-Donaldson, Law Firm.

“Inventorying Electronic Systems for Records Management,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., July 22-23, 2003, Two Day Course.

“Computer Systems Concepts for Inventories and Retention,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., May 6-7, 2003, Two Day Course.

“Software Selection for Records and Information Management Applications,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., April 15-16, 2003, Two Day Course.

“Managing Electronic Records – e-Systems, Technologies, and Inventories,” San Diego Chapter of ARMA International, March 18, 2003, One Day Seminar.

“From Promise to Reality: Surviving the Implementation of an Electronic Records Program,” University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Triangle Chapter of ARMA International, April 8, 2003, One Day Seminar.

“Electronic Records Management, Today and Tomorrow,” Milwaukee/Des Plains Chapter of ARMA International, April 2, 2003, One day Seminar.

“Advanced RIM Workshop”, University of New Mexico, Los Alamos, January 29-30, 2003, Two day seminar.

“Document Management Software and Systems,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., January 14-15, 2003. Two day course.

“Computer Systems Concepts and Technologies for Inventories and Retention,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., October 29-30, 2002. Two day course.

“Incorporating Evaluation Criteria into Electronic Records Management Programs,” ECURE 2002, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, October 10, 2002.

“Inventorying Electronic Information Systems,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., November 11-12, 2002. Two day course.

“Electronic Records and Emergency Preparedness,” ARMA International Regional Seminar, Albuquerque, NM, November 19, 2002. One day seminar.

“Recordkeeping Software: Comparing Products and Identifying Challenges,” ARMA International 47th Annual Conference, New Orleans, LA, October 1, 2002.

“Managing Electronic Records,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., September 10-11, 2002. Two day course.

“e-Records Standards: Do They Drive System Selection?” e-Records Solutions Conference, Houston, TX, August 27, 2002

“Advanced Records Management,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., August 20-21, 2002. Two day course.

“Software Selection for Records and Information Management Applications,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., June 18-19. Two day course.

“Records Management Issues for Web-based Documents,” AEC Systems Conference, Anaheim, CA., June 4, 2002.

“Legal Implications and Challenges of E-Mail Records,” U.S. Department of the Treasury, Washington D.C., April 2, 2002.

“Managing Electronic Records,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., March 19-20, 2002. Two day course.

“Technology Drives Records Management,” Chattanooga Chapter of ARMA International, Chattanooga, TN, March 12, 2002.

“Selecting A System: How to Get It Right The First Time,” AIIM International Annual Conference, San Francisco, CA, March 7, 2002.

“Technology Drives Records Management,” Atlanta Chapter of ARMA International, Atlanta, GA, November 20, 2001.

“DoD 5015.2 STD Certified Products – A Comparative Software Review,” ARMA International e-Records Solutions Conference, Houston, Texas, November 5, 2001.

“Challenges for Preserving Accurate, Authentic and Trustworthy Electronic Records,” South Carolina Public Records Association Conference, Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, October 25, 2001.

“Advanced Records Management,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., October 16-17, 2001. Two day course.

“Managing AEC Electronic Records,” ARMA International 46th Annual Conference, Montreal, Quebec, Canada, September 30, 2001.

“Current Issues In Electronic Records Management,” Jacksonville Chapter of ARMA International, Jacksonville, FL, September 18, 2001.

“Managing Electronic Records,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., June 25-26, 2001. Two day course.

“AEC Records,” Rio Grande Chapter of ARMA International, Albuquerque, NM, May 16, 2001.

“Organizing Documents Within Your Own Shop” International Reprographics Association Annual Conference, Minneapolis, MI, May 5, 2001.

“EDMS vs ERKS: What’s The Difference?” Metro Omaha Chapter of ARMA International, Council Bluffs, IO, April 18, 2001. One Day Seminar.

“Software Selection for Records and Information Management Applications,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., February 26-27, 2001. Two day course.

“Electronic Records – What’s Hot & What’s Not,” Nashville Chapter of ARMA International, Nashville, Tennessee, February 15, 2001.

“Managing Electronic Records,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., December 4-5, 2000. Two day University Continuing Education course.

“Document Management Systems,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., November 13-14, 2000. Two day University Continuing Education course.

“Ten Steps to becoming a Successful RIM Consultant,” ARMA International 45th Annual Conference, Las Vegas, Nevada, October 23, 2000.

“Implementing Integrated RM and DM – Technology vs Policy ,” Tower User Forum Conference, Mesquite, Arizona, October 20, 2000.

“Implementing an Electronic Records Program,” ECURE 2000, Arizona State University, Phoenix, Arizona, October 5, 2000.

“Data Warehouse Technology,” National Archives and Records Administration, Washington, D.C., June 14, 2000 – Half day seminar.

“Document Management Software and Systems,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., June 12-13, 2000 – Two day University Continuing Education course.

“Electronic Records Management,” George Washington University, Washington D.C., June 8-9, 2000 – Two day University Continuing Education course.

“Implementing an Electronic Records Management Project”, Catholic University of America, Washington D.C, June 6, 2000 – Half day seminar.

“Document Conversion – Raster to CAD Challenges,” International Reprographics Association Annual Conference,  Orlando, Florida, April 28, 2000.

“ERKS and EDMS – What’s the Difference?,” Knoxville ARMA Chapter Meeting, Knoxville, TN., January 11, 2000.


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