Professional Journal Articles
“Software Management and Information Governance,” Information Management, July/August 2016.
“Information, Survival, and Protection,” Survivalist Magazine – Issue 25, October 2015.
“Best Practices for Governing Social Media Content,” Information Management, September/October 2015.
“Plug Internal Data Leaks with an Effective IG Program,” Information Management, May/June 2014.
“Retiring Legacy IT Systems under the IG Umbrella,” Information Management, November/December 2013.
“Clearing the Hurdles of International Technology Implementations,” Information Management, July/August 2013.
“A Roadmap to Litigation Readiness – RIM Staff Help Prepare the Way,” Information Management, September/October 2012.
“Sound Design + Implementation = Big Payoff – Building RIM Program Excellence”, Information Management, March/April 2011.
“Selecting Software for Managing Physical and Electronic Records”, Information Management Journal, May/June 2009.
“The RIM Manager’s Role in Supporting Major Business Changes”, Information Management Journal, March/April 2007.
“RIM Checklist for Mergers, Acquisitions, Divestitures and Closings,” ARMA International Educational Foundation, Research Report, September 2005.
“IT and records managers should team up on data retention policies,” Computerworld Storage Networking World Online, October 17, 2005.
“Professional Certification: Does it Matter?”, Information Management Journal, November/December 2004.
“Web Site Records Preservation,” Information Management Journal, March/April 2003.
“Are Digital Files Bit-Buckets?” Repro Report, 21(6), November/December, 2002.
“Tips On Protecting your E-Documents,” Repro Report, 21(5), September/October 2002.
“The E-Document Supply Chain,” Repro Report, 21(4), July/August 2002.
“Protecting Your Internet Workflow,” Repro Report, 21(3), May/June 2002.
“Privacy vs Cybersecurity”, Information Management Journal, 36(3), May/June 2002.
“Is Your Firm Joining A Collaboration Club?” Repro Report, 21(2), March/April 2002.
“CD or DVD for Document Archiving?” Repro Report, 21(1), January/February 2002.
“Welcome to the New Wireless Culture,” Information Management Journal, 36(1), January/February 2002.
“Doc Retention: A Little Knowledge Can Lure Clients,” Repro Report, 20(6), November/December 2001.
“Start With E-mail!” Information Management Journal, 35(4), October 2001.
“Don’t Shoot from the Tech Hip,” Repro Report, 20(5), September/October 2001.
“Software Enhances Workflow,” Repro Report, 20(4), July/August 2001.
“Technology – Embracing the Challenge of Leadership,” Information Management Journal, 35(3), July 2001.
“Plan Rooms R Us,” Repro Report, 20(3), May/June 2001.
“XML For Content and E-Commerce,” Information Management Journal, 35(2), April 2001.
“Does XML Affect Reprographics?” Repro Report, 20(2), March/April 2001.
“Should PDF Be Used For Archiving Electronic Records?” Information Management Journal, 35(1), January 2001.
“PDF: Utilizing the Universal File Format,” Repro Report, 20(1), January/February 2001.
“Document Management and Enterprise Fundamentals,” Repro Report, 19(9), November/December 2000.
“Extranets Are B2B Solutions,” Repro Report, 19(8), October 2000.
“ISPs and ASPs Create New Records Issues,” Information Management Journal, 34(4), October 2000.
“Internal Consulting – A Strategic Opportunity,” InfoPro, 2 (3), September 2000.
“Document Retention and Disposal,” Repro Report, 19(7), August/September 2000.
“DM Software: From CD to E-Commerce,” Repro Report, 19(6), July 2000.
“Will KM Alter Information Manager’s Roles?” Information Management Journal, 34(3), July 2000.
“Document Preservation and Migration,” Repro Report, 19(5), June 2000.
“Can Digital Documents Create Business Liabilities?” Repro Report, 19(4), April/May 2000.
“Does ICR Keep Paper Forms Viable?” Information Management Journal, 34(2), April 2000.
“Do Digital File Formats Drive Document Management?,” Repro Report, 19(3), March 2000.
“Software for Managing Documents,” Repro Report, 19(2), February 2000.
“Digital Assets, Documents and Records – What’s the Difference?,” Repro Report, 19(1), January 2000.
“Preparing to Be a RIM Consultant,” Information Management Journal, 34(1), January 2000.
For a more extensive listing of publications, request contact through this web site.